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Health Insurance

Government or public plans provide comprehensive coverage of core health care services.  Supplementary plans focus on services not covered by government plans.  They may be with group plans sponsors by an employer, unions and associations or individual plans that consumers purchase for themselves.  

Health coverage

Coverage varies considerably, partly because coverage of non-core services by government plans varies from province to province, and partially because group plan sponsors and individual plan purchasers choose varying kinds and levels of benefits.  So it is important to carefully review the features of your group plan or an individual plan you are considering.  

The health care services insured by extended health plans commonly include:

  • prescription drugs/medicines​

  • semi-private or private hospital accommodation

  • special nursing services

  • ambulance services

  • hospital and medical expenses incurred outside of Canada

  • artificial limbs, prostheses and medical appliances

  • wheel chairs and other durable equipment

  • specific medical pr paramedical services that fall outside government plans (e.g. services from chiropractors, physiotherapists, podiatrist, osteopaths and optometrists)

  • vision care


Dental Coverage

Expenses for dental services are often covered under a separate supplementary insurance plan.  Coverage depends on the plan that is purchased.

Typical dental plans cover the expenses for:

  • basic preventive and maintenance services such has regular checkups or examinations, cleaning, fillings, extractions and x-rays

  • root canals, periodontal cleanings and scaling

Your dental plan may also pay for major restorative work, such as inlays an crowns, bridgework and dentures, as well as orthodontic treatments.

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